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KC and Isaac

Background Information


       An ecosystem is a place where plants, animals and living organizes interact live and adapt. The number of ecosystems in Colorado is around 8. The overall environment is mainly forest’s mountains and plains. In the forest’s you would find more animals that eat meaty prey. The meaty prey would be dear, birds, and squirrels. You would also find animals that live in trees. You would find trees and different types of plants that could adept.


       The Emerald Ash Borer is an invasive species that came from Asia The Emerald Ash Borer will eat ash trees and they will try to get more trees in be infected. The color of the Emerald Ash Borer is green and it has 6 legs. The Emerald Ash Borer will eat eats ash trees and it’s a primary consumer.

        A food chain Is shown what animals will eat and what eats them. The primary producers create energy the rest of the food chain. Primary producers are the most important? abundant because they are the main source of food every thing else relies on them will eat the grass, and a fox will eat the bunnies. 


          If the EAB came to our Colorado it would kill 15% of the urban tree population. It would kill 15% of our tree population because 15% is ash tree’s. The one way you could get rid of the EAB would be to put gas in the Ash trees and kill the EAB. They do not want people to move ash trees because it could Spread EAB babies. There is one Invasive species and it is called the Emerald Ash Bora and it eats ash trees. 


Impact of EAB

         Any invasive spices would throw off the entire food chain. they will eat animals or plants that other animals need to eat. It would take all of the animal’s food. The Emerald Ash Borer will infect all of the trees that are ash trees and will infect all of the ash trees it sees in its way. The beetle bomb is when the Emerald Ash Borer population began by one tree then it will infect the entire forest.

          If the EAB came to our environment it would have negative effects. It would eat all of our ash trees. The ash trees could never reproduce, and would die off. They would also eat more ash tree’s which would cost a lot of money.



Action Plan

         To prevent the spread of the EAB you can Not move fire wood, and check the crates for the Emerald Ash Bora, Save the trees if you see an infection, cut down the trees so it does not spread. If you cannot do anything about it call the professionals. They may not get all the EAB out of the tree or fire wood so they can still survive. The trees in Japan could never had the toxin to stop the EAB. Our trees over time could develop the toxin to fight off the EAB and if the trees did develop the toxin they could reproduce and survive. 

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